The idea of buying land on the moon is interesting, but is it feasible or is it science fiction? Read on and find out all about this issue.

Setting foot on the Moon is certainly one of those unattainable dreams that everyone has thought about at least once in their lives, but for an American company it wouldn't just seem like a dream.

Specifically, Dennis M. Hope's Moon States company specializes in selling land on the Moon, which apparently has already attracted the interest of many prominent people, from Tom Cruise to Nicole Kidman to two former US presidents. But is it possible to buy land, build your dream home and live there?

Is the Moon habitable?

The answer is that this satellite is not considered habitable. To do so would require equipment, technologies and infrastructure that do not yet exist. The main reason for its uninhabitability lies in the fact that the Moon does not have an atmosphere like that of our planet, capable of protecting us from ultraviolet rays and radiation that NASA estimates to be 200 times stronger than that which "hits" the Earth.

In addition, the temperatures are very prohibitive. In particular, it is estimated that the lowest temperatures can reach -173°C, while the hottest temperatures reach 123°C. The absence of water, too, which is hard to find (thus, it would have to be somehow "introduced") would make life on the satellite difficult if not impossible.

Is it possible to buy land on the moon?

Let's start by going back in time. We start in 1967 when the Outer Space Treaty was signed, which denies the ability of any nation to exercise sovereignty over any celestial body, including the Moon. This agreement, in the midst of the space race, was signed by most countries of the world.

However, the treaty makes no mention of private individuals. For this very reason, Dennis M. Hope wrote to the United Nations, explaining his desire to divide the lunar surface into land for sale, establishing himself as the owner of the moon. Since then, he has dedicated himself to his company which has apparently already generated 9 million euros. Today, then, it seems possible to buy land from the Moon States company. At least in a fictitious way.

How much does a piece of land on the Moon cost?
So let's find out the most important aspect of this issue: how much does it cost to buy land on the moon? If any famous VIPs have made the purchase, it may be an elusive number. But no, it's not a privilege for a select few: the price is only 34 euros for 0.4 acres of land. The entire surface of the Moon could be bought for a total of 30 million euros.

Is it possible to buy land on the moon?

Let's start by going back in time. We start in 1967 when the Outer Space Treaty was signed, which denies the ability of any nation to exercise sovereignty over any celestial body, including the Moon. This agreement, in the midst of the space race, was signed by most countries of the world.

However, the treaty makes no mention of private individuals. For this very reason, Dennis M. Hope wrote to the United Nations, explaining his desire to divide the lunar surface into land for sale, establishing himself as the owner of the moon. Since then, he has dedicated himself to his company which has apparently already generated 9 million euros. Today, then, it seems possible to buy land from the Moon States company. At least in a fictitious way.

How much does a piece of land on the Moon cost?

So let's find out the most important aspect of this issue: how much does it cost to buy land on the moon? If any famous VIPs have made the purchase, it may be an elusive number. But no, it's not a privilege for a select few: the price is only 34 euros for 0.4 acres of land. The entire surface of the Moon could be bought for a total of 30 million euros. Although all of this has no real legal backing, effectively rendering the sales transactions invalid and inconsistent, Dennis M. Hope's company boasts some 6 million customers, all potential owners of the Moon. It may seem like the scam of the century, yet for many VIPs and non-VIPs alike, it is apparently worth spending 34 euros to feel like the owner of a small piece of land, not terrestrial but lunar.

If you are interested in learning more about the property market, you can refer to the Spitogatos blog articles and find everything you need!

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