Explore the new jungle-style interior design trend and give your space a refreshing breath of natural beauty.

Jungle style for the home is a modern interior design trend that brings nature into your space. With the rich presence of plants, bright colors and natural materials, jungle style creates an atmosphere of rejuvenation and energy. Inspired by the beauty of the rainforest, this trend invites you to live in a world of plants where natural beauty meets style and creates a unique interior experience. Below we'll look together at what jungle style is and how to implement it in your own home.

What does jungle style include and how to implement it in your home?

Jungle style in interior design includes certain elements that are designed to create a tropical jungle atmosphere in your home. Some of the main features of this particular decorating style are as follows:

  • Plants and greenery: The main characteristic of the jungle style is the rich presence of plants. Large plants with large and impressive leaves are used to create a jungle feel.
  • Natural materials: Natural materials and fabrics are used, such as wood, rattan, natural fibers and burlap, which exude a natural and organic feel.
  • Bold colors: Jungle style is associated with bold colors such as green, blue, orange and yellow, always paired with earthier tones for more balance. If you are not so bold you can say "yes" to colors like beige, brown, light green (mint) or sugar.
  • Patterns: Ornate patterns are important elements in jungle style. Designs that refer to animals and other natural elements such as lions, butterflies and parrots are used to add interest and vibrancy to a space.
  • Natural lighting: Natural lighting is important to bring out the beauty of plants and natural materials in your home. You can use open windows, windows with curtains made of natural fabrics or even glass doors to allow natural light to spread freely throughout the house.

Which corner of the house is better to furnish in jungle style?

Choosing the corner to furnish in jungle style depends on the layout and architecture of your home. However, there are some corners that are perfect for creating an impressive jungle atmosphere. Specifically:

  • Entrance: A dose of jungle can be added to the entrance of your home by placing a large pot with a special plant or a group of plants in smaller pots. Having plants at the entrance of the house, you will welcome your guests to a beautiful space, creating an impressive first impression.
  • Living Room: The living room is usually the main gathering space in the home and a great option to create your own jungle. Place large plants in the corner of the room, creating a planted 'wall', or place plants in a varied style in different corners for a strong jungle feel.
  • Dining room: If you have a dining room, you can add some green elements to it as well. You can place a large, impressive plant to add natural beauty and liveliness to the space.
  • Bedroom: Don't leave your bedroom complaining. Add your favorite plants to create an oasis of calm and beauty. Choose plants that have the ability to absorb toxic substances from the air, purifying the atmosphere in the room and helping you breathe better while you sleep.
  • Bathroom: You can create a lush tropical jungle even in the bathroom of your home for an excellent aesthetic effect. Be sure to add plants that grow more easily in humid areas such as the bathroom.

What plants can you use?

The jungle interior design style is known for its lush foliage. Some of the plants you can use in the jungle style are the following:

  1. Elm: A large tree with impressive leaves that creates an impressive jungle feeling in your space.
  2. Monstera: A plant with large, characteristic holey leaves that add a dazzling jungle touch.
  3. Palm Tree: Palm trees add a tropical paradise feel and create a jungle atmosphere inside your home.
  4. Strelitzia or bird of paradise: A striking plant with large leaves and dazzling flowers, giving a sense of raw beauty.
  5. Sansevieria: Also known as "mother-in-law's tongue," sansevieria has a subtle appearance and adds a relaxed, sophisticated feel to any space.

These are just some of the plants that you can use in the jungle style for interior decoration. You can also explore rarer plants like Calathea, Pothos and more.

By following the above you can create a special space that offers you peace, relaxation and a treat for the eye. Ready to escape to a jungle of wellness and harmony, where nature rejuvenates the spirit and the space becomes a paradise of natural beauty? Interested in finding more tips about the home? On the Spitogatos blog you will find everything you need to create the home of your dreams: your favorite place in the world!

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